“You won’t lose. Ever. That is the Wolfsbane guarantee. Unless the other side outbids you… then you might find yourself losing.”

Branches: Manufacturing, R&D, Engineering

Headquarters: Hightower District (Central)

Key People:




Wolfsbane is the premium corporate security provider in the area, mercenaries for hire. They are the best of the best. And this is not just a piece of advertising fluff. According to company policy, if a Wolfsbane agent fails or loses due to a more skilled or talented opponent, that opponent receives an automatic invitation to join Wolfsbane.

The product of this heartless recruiting tactic is a small group of ruthless individuals, all of them among the best at what they do. Wolfsbane is the distillation of FAR’s military prowess.

When a client requests Wolfsbane’s services, they are quoted a minimum service fee depending on the requested service. However, when two clients approach Wolfsbane with opposing interests, Wolfsbane’s services go to the highest bidder.

This bidding system means that in Fragrance, money is quite literally power. Since Wolfsbane is a seemingly unbeatable tactical force, the outbid client usually just cuts their losses and concedes whatever the winner wanted. Any other second-tier paramilitary service provider would have probably just sent their agents to die at the hands of Wolfsbane operatives anyways.

(It is worth noting that Wolfsbane operatives can and have been seen defeated before, sometimes by the same individuals. Underworld merc squads, little more than tightknit groups of friends, have been rumored to best some Wolfsbane teams. These rumors are few and far between.)

Products and Services

There are two dimensions when requesting Wolfsbane services: Type and Style.

