Whatever’s wrong, someone will fix you up. For the right price, of course.

Branches: Pharmaceuticals, Rapid-Response Paramedical Assistance, Hospital

Headquarters: Hightower District (Central)

Key People:




The medical giant, Gecko Medical, is a pharmaceutical company, healthcare provider, and paramedic coordinator all rolled into one. This corporation employs individuals with one of two skillsets: expertise in healing, or expertise in defensive tactics.

Healers of all sorts are sought after by recruiting teams. Lower-level healers are usually delegated to 24/7 emergency rooms, whereas higher-level healers are shipped off to R&D blacksites to help develop the next big medical technology. Regenerounds, for example, was a result of such research.

Secondly, defensive experts are also actively headhunted because of Gecko Medical’s unique Rapid-Response Paramedical Assistance service. Dial 811 on any cell-enabled device, and a Realtime Paramedic and Tactical Logistics squad (RPTL squad) will be deployed to your location via UAV. This squad will attempt to neutralize any immediate threats to you, and ship you to the nearest Gecko facility for medical attention. Of course, calling a RPTL squad has a hefty and non-negotiable price tag attached to it.

Products and Services

Medicine and Pharmaceuticals

Combat technologies (regenerounds, etc)

RPTL hotline


Gecko Medical used to be a vast underworld syndicate, before the current CEO turned it into a legitimate corporation. Initially comprised of almost entirely lizardfolk, Gecko Medical (the syndicate) would take in and care for severely injured people who could not go to public hospitals (for any reason). Ironically, the lizardfolk’s innate knack for healing and medicine meant that their illegally run “medicaves” provided even better medical care than actual hospitals. However, there was a catch. Gecko Medical clients would be stuck with a crippling medical debt with unrelenting interest rates, financially enslaving them to the syndicate.

When syndicate leadership realized that what they were doing could actually be justified within the confines of the (broken) FAR legal system, they took their business above-ground. Now, Gecko Medical is the primary healthcare provider for all of FAR. They still primarily employ lizardfolk at their brick-and-mortar locations (to uphold appearances), but behind the scenes, any individual with healing capabilities is welcome to work.

The only thing that Gecko Medical couldn’t legally do anymore is have clients commit “favors” to slowly pay off their debt. The reason for this is because these favors usually involved heinous crimes that the syndicate didn’t want to be attached to.

Culture and Appearance

Gecko Medical is a clean, orderly, and sleek organization. Just like their facility interiors, employees are polished and slick, with few imperfections. Light grey polished stone is the company’s chosen material. You can immediately recognize a Gecko medical facility by the angular, brutalist architecture.